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Please ensure you are at the start line for your posted handicap time. Race start is at 11:00am.
Welcome to any new runners and new nominated time members today.
The meeting place is at the Spreyton Cider Co cidery on Melrose Road. However, the start will be in the big paddock across Sheffield Road where we have started in recent years. Please be careful crossing Sheffield Road.
IMPORTANT: do NOT do your warm-up on Sheffield Road. Use the paddock or the area around the cidery.
The course will have a couple of changes this year to make it more interesting and give us more trail. Run straight up the paddock to Jowetts Lane and turn left. Follow the road (stay on the left) until a finger directs you left into an orchard where you will run straight ahead (DO NOT turn immediately right as in previous years).
Follow the fingers and posts tied with ribbon which will take you through the cherry orchard, turn left and head down Pilgrims Road where you will be directed behind the apple shed (the second change). Complete the marked loop and rejoin your path out which will take you back to the start/finish.
The presentations will be at the Spreyton Cider Co cidery. You are invited to stop for lunch from The Little Orchard Food Van.
Thank you to Terry Watson and Roselyn Hendriks for measuring and marking the course.