Race 15: Fish Frenzy 5km and Club 5km championships at Burnie

Shane resized

Sunday’s race was a fast, flat five kilometres at West Beach. The Fish Frenzy event utilised the Burnie parkrun course and a good field gathered to hear the starter’s orders.

Natalie Luttrell was first away but was soon overtaken by Andrew Plapp running his best race for some time, with Stuart Greenhill and Neville Sweetman in hot pursuit.

Co-markers Ann Horton and Shane Cleaver were looking ominous with Matthew Rolls being the only backmarker making big inroads.

Turners Beach runner Shane Cleaver had been close to winning two weeks ago, and wasn’t going to forego his chance to take out his first victory in three years of competing with the Club.

He took the lead from Greenhill, who held on for second, with half a kilometre to run. Rolls finished strongly for third with Alan Bakes a great fourth.

Cleaver had the added incentive of winning in front of his son who was home on mid-year break from university in Queensland. He will now set his sights on running a good time in the Gold Coast half marathon.

Other good performances were returned by Nick Young and Andrew Bates, both finishing within “the ten”.

The club championships were decided during the race based on fastest time. The woman’s was won by Lyn Saint-John from Natasha Mapley and Susan Moodie while Ewen   Troughton took out the men’s from Jono Price and Will Cleaver.

Earlier the nominated time winners were Chloe Bates, Kasia and Indra Taylor and Milla Price.

Race15 Line Position Corrected Fish Frenzy 5km

Race15 Fastest Corrected Fish Frenzy 5km

Burnie: Fish Frenzy 5km handicap and Club 5km championships

This week the PCCCT heads to Burnie for the Fish Frenzy five kilometre handicap and many members will relish the short event following the twenty-five kilometres of last week.

The course starts at West Beach and is an out and back course to Cooee, utilising the board walks and footpaths.

The race incorporates the five kilometre club championships, based on fastest times. The women’s competition should see a close contest between Lyn Saint-John and Natasha Mapley. Brad Taylor will be hardest to beat amongst the men, although he will have a battle on his hands if Thomas Wilson starts and Bryan Tuit can’t be discounted

The handicap event will be keenly contested. It will provide another chance for front and middle markers to garner a win before a series of longer tougher events.

Amie Bramich has run some terrific races lately as the extra training she has been doing has kicked in. She followed a seventh in the City of Devonport ten kilometre event with second at Stanley and then a great fifth last week. She should start favourite here.

Her dangers though are many, and include Ken Troughton, Neville Sweetman, Lorraine Shepherd and Sven Mason.

Entries close at 9:30 with the gun firing at 10:00. Members are reminded to wear their numbers and timing chips. New runners are always welcome and this would be a good race to commence running with the PCCCT.

 A nominated time event will be held at 9:05.

Race 14: The Burnie Trophy Centre/Troy Atkins Accounting “Ironman/woman Classic” 25 km at Forth

Greg small

Race fourteen of the PCCCT season, the Burnie Trophy House/Troy Atkins Accounting twenty five kilometre “Ironman/woman Classic” at Forth, was a triumph for one of the pre-race favourites, Devonport runner, Greg Smith.

However he needed to pull out every bit of his energy and resolve to overtake the other favourite, the gallant Rick Ferguson, which he did with a couple of hundred metres to run. Ferguson, knowing Smith was in great form and loved this course, went out very hard early in the race and the effort told at the end as he was narrowly defeated. After twenty five kilometres, the margin was only fifty four seconds.

This was Smith’s third win in the event. He prefers the longer races and he is also a multiple winner of the Club’s marathons. This victory was especially pleasing for him as he has had to overcome a persistent calf injury.

Backmarker Bryan Tuit ran a fantastic race to finish third and also took out fastest time honours.

Hayden Bishop was fourth with the first woman to finish, Amie Bramich, putting in a terrific effort to finish fifth.

Other runners to catch the eye were Justin Gossage who was having his first run with the club and finished sixth just in front of the fastest woman, Ellen Elphinstone.

Gerard Lowry. Debbie Riley and Kyle Groenewege rounded out the ten

Earlier the nominated time winners were Will van Rooyen, Lachie Riley, Emily Aichberger and Heath Bramich.

Race14 Placings Queen&King of Mountain (corrected) 25km

Race14 Fastest to Slowest Queen&King of Mountain (coorected) 25km

Forth: The Burnie Trophy House/Troy Atkins Accounting “Ironman and Ironwoman Classic” 25km

Ironman and woman handicaps 2018

The next event on the PCCCT calendar is the Burnie Trophy Centre/ Troy Atkins Accounting Ironman and Ironwoman Classic at Forth.

At twenty-five kilometres, it is not as long as the marathon, but is considered by many as the toughest run of the year due to the extremely hilly terrain covered.

Starting at Forth it takes in a circuit in the Forth Valley comprising Wilmot and Paloona Roads to Melrose and return via Forthside Road.

The event best suits fit backmarkers who have proven records over these longer distances.

One who ticks all the boxes is Devonport runner Greg Smith. Smith won last year’s marathon and after a slow start to the year while overcoming injury, he has started to run into some top form, showing promise in shorter events.

His main danger will be backmarker, Brad Taylor who was second in the recent PCCCT marathon, while Hayden Bishop and Michael Purton must also be considered.

Best of the middle markers could be Rick Ferguson who caught the eye with sixth at Stanley last week and likes longer races. His co-marker Shane Cleaver will fancy his chances as will Amie Bramich, Debbie Riley and Anna Murton who all have recent good form.

Kyle Groenewege and Matthew Rolls are others who have been threatening to win for some time and it could be this week.

Entries have closed with the first runner starting at 9:00.

 A nominated time event will be held at 9:05.

Race 13: The WT House Betta Home Living “Steve Hanson Memorial” 8km at Stanley

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Race thirteen of the PCCCT season, the W T House Betta Home Living “Steve Hanson Memorial”, was conducted over an eight kilometre circuit course in Stanley.

It resulted in an emotional victory for Burnie runner, Shane Hanson, son of the former member for whom the race is named. The event was taken out in 2002 by Hanson’s sister and he has had a long-held ambition to also win the race that has such special meaning to their family. It was made more special as his mother was there to see him break the tape.

Taking the lead from brave front-marker, Karina Mason, with about a kilometre to travel, Hanson had a comfortable win from a much improved Amie Bramich and pre-race favourite Neville Sweetman who finished just ahead of Madeline Greenhill. Mason held on well for seventh.

Hanson, who specialises in ultra-running events will now turn his attention to a three hundred kilometre event in Queensland in September where he will raise funds for the “Just Like Jack” charity.

Co-markers Shane Cleaver and Rick Ferguson ran great races to finish fifth and sixth respectively in promising performances for coming weeks.

Lorraine Shepherd ran strongly to finish in the “ten’, with other good efforts recorded by Dom McCreadie and Kyle Groenewege.

A good field of seventy-three competed.

Fastest times were recorded by Thomas Wilson and Natasha Mapley for the men and women respectively.

Earlier the nominated time winners were Mitchell Elphinstone, Cayla Ward, Maya Bramich and Phoebe Gillard.

Race13 Placings Stanley 8km

Race13 Fastest to slowest Stanley 8km

Stanley: The WT House Betta Home Living “Steve Hanson Memorial” 8km

The PCCCT heads to beautiful Stanley this week for the WT House Betta Home Living “Steve Hanson Memorial” eight kilometre handicap, another of the club’s “blue ribbon events”.

The course is a favourite of members. There is a short testing hill early on but then competitors are rewarded with a great run along the Green Hills before descending with views of The Nut followed by travelling along the main street before returning to the start at the Stanley Oval.

One runner who will be very keen to take this race out is Neville Sweetman. Having had nearly two hundred and fifty runs since his last win many years ago, he is certainly due and a win would be well-deserved.

Sweetman is also starting to show the form necessary to be a serious contender, with a close sixth at Devonport in the last Club race two weeks ago. He would not have to improve much and, if anything, the slightly shorter distance will suit him better.

Several runners have been consistently in “the ten” and will be top chances. Karina Mason must break through shortly, while Amie Bramich, Kyle Groenewege and Shane Hanson could win without surprising.

The event starts at the later time of 10:30 with nominations closing at 10:00. New runners are welcome.

 A nominated time event will be held at 9:45.

Runners are reminded that entries close this Sunday for the following week’s Ironman/Ironwoman at Forth.

Race 12: Total Performance Sports/Physiotas 10 km City of Devonport

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Victory in the Total Performance Sports/Physiotas ten kilometre City of Devonport handicap is much sought after by members, but particularly those who reside in the town it is named for and where it is conducted.

That added an extra dimension of satisfaction for Devonport runner, Ricky Brown, when he took out the event from an excellent field of eighty-three.

Brown is pleased to be running the best he has in four years following a terrible run with injuries. He has recently been able to train consistently and so finally achieved the result he has been looking for, for some time.

He was made to work hard, however, by front marker Karina Mason whom he only caught with about two hundred metres to run. Mason was ruing another close defeat but her winning day must come soon.

Ken Troughton filled third place, showing a return to form. Other strong performances were recorded by Shane Hanson and Matthew Rolls while Neville Sweetman finished sixth indicating that the end of his long drought is in sight.

The Club ten kilometre championships were conducted based on fastest times in the race. For the women, Lyn Saint-John took it out from Natasha Mapley and Susan Moodie, while Brad Taylor won the men’s championship from Bryan Tuit and Matthew Cunningham.

Earlier the nominated time winners were Indra Taylor, Lachie Riley, Kasia Taylor and Kira Brown.

Race12 Placings Devonport 10km

Race12 Fastest Devonport 10km


Devonport: Total Performance Sports/Physiotas “City of Devonport” 10km

The next “blue-ribbon” event in the PCCCT season is to be held this Sunday.

It is the Total Performance Sports/ Physiotas City of Devonport 10km handicap which starts at Devonport’s Bluff Beach and uses the foreshore path and tracks in the Don Reserve.

Wins in this event are much sought after due to its history and prestige.

No doubt runners who completed last week’s marathon will struggle until fully recovered from that gruelling distance, so the winner will likely come from among those who ran the shorter 5 kilometre event.

The race looks perfect for Stowport runner, Andrew Bates. Bates is one of the up-and-coming youngsters in the club and he has been showing great form.

In the last ten kilometre event three weeks ago he was tenth and followed up with a strong-finishing third last week. The distance will suit him perfectly, so provided he pulls up okay after playing football on Saturday he could start favourite.

If Don McCreadie is able to compete, he must be the main danger, as he is displaying his best form for years. However, his attendance at events is limited due to work.

There are many other chances, though. Aaron Robertson is running consistently and is always close to winning. Haydon Bishop and Stuart Wilson ran very well last week, while among the women, Ann Horton, Lorraine Shepherd and Amie Bramich look possible winners.

The event starts at 10:00 with nominations closing at 9:30. New runners are welcome.

 A nominated time event will be held at 9:05.

Races 11 and 11(a): Woodhouse Marathon and Priestley 5km at Ulverstone

Christine resized Ron Chequer resized

The longest race of the PCCCT season is a full marathon, the Greg and Dianne Woodhouse 42.195 kilometre handicap. The course takes competitors from River Park at Ulverstone to the end of the Esplanade at Turners Beach and return, twice.

The weather was fine for Sunday’s version but a stiff headwind on both return legs made for challenging conditions.

The race proved a triumph for Wynyard runner Christine Wright who hung on to defeat fast finishing back marker, Brad Taylor, by less than a minute. This was the tenth marathon for Wright, all with the PCCCT and she was thrilled to finally break through.

Taylor’s tremendous effort resulted in fastest time of 2:38:30 while the fastest female time was recorded by Hobart runner Colleen Denne who finished fourth.

Launceston runner Matthew Zegfeld was a very creditable third. Matthew Atkins finished fifth with one of the pre-race favourites, Shane Hanson, finishing strongly into sixth. In a tremendous effort, teenager Vicki Knapman finished the race to complete her first marathon.

For those not ready for such a gruelling event the Rod and Judith Priestly five kilometre handicap was conducted. Ron Chequer finally broke through for a win, with Karina Mason and Andrew Bates filling the placings. Chequer has been consistent all year and it has been seven years since his last win, also over five kilometres.

Hayden Bishop was the fastest male with Lyn Saint-John fastest female.

Earlier the nominated time winners were Chloe Bates, Mackenzie Troughton, Robyn Luttrell and Alicia Bramich.

Race11 Placings Ulverstone Marathon Greg and Dianne Woodhouse

Race11 Fastest Ulverstone Marathon Greg and Dianne Woodhouse

Race11a Placings Ulverstone 5km Rod and Judith Priestley

Race11a Fastest Ulverstone 5km Rod and Judith Priestley

Ulverstone: Woodhouse Marathon and Priestley 5km


The PCCCT marathon is the longest-running continuously conducted marathon in Australia and the 2018 version will be held this Sunday.

The Greg and Dianne Woodhouse marathon handicap runs from River Park, Ulverstone to Turners Beach and back twice and is a wonderful test of fitness and character.

A small, but select, field will start this year’s event with last year’s winner, Greg Smith, fronting up again. He loves this event and could go back to back. This would be a great result for him as he has struggled with an injury over summer and has had to rush to get fit enough.

Sally Atkinson, Chris Talbot and Shane Hanson have many kilometres training in their legs having competed already this year over even longer distances.

Brad Taylor will start from the back mark and could pass the entire field to break the tape first but will need to get past Matt Zegveld, Matthew Atkins and Kyle Groenewege who will offer stubborn resistance. Courtney Sutton is another who always runs well over this distance and cannot be discounted.

The Rod and Judith Priestly five kilometre handicap will be run at 10:30 for those not attempting the marathon. Entries for this will close at 10:00 with Karina Mason and Ricky Brown looking the best chances.

 A nominated time event will be held at 9:45.