Race 17 Forth, Winkler Electrical Contracting/Troy Atkins Accounting ‘Ironman Classic’ 25km Handicaps and Brief

The race starts at 9:00am on Forth Main Road, Forth. There are changerooms and toilet facilities at the Forth Football Ground (the meeting place) which is a short walking distance away. The race is over 25km and contains two major hilly sections. As the race is on public roads runners are asked run with caution and obey any directions from race officials. Runners must run on the righthand side of the road facing oncoming traffic. Shortly after the start runners turn right onto Wilmot Road, they run about 10 kilometres on Wilmot Road, on the western side of the Forth River, until they are crossed over onto Paloona Road on their left. The race proceeds over the bridge and a hilly section on Paloona Road until Melrose. Here runners turn left onto Bellamy Road. After about three kilometres there are some major hills which take the runners to Forthside. Runners then turn right onto Forthside Road which leads to Forth Road where runners will be crossed over onto the righthand side of the road. Then it is downhill and over the Forth Bridge turning right into the Forth Football Ground for the finish line.

There will be race officials to cross runners at the start of Paloona Road, where Paloona Road meets Bellamy Road, and where Forthside Road meets Forth Road.

There are two drink stations – one on Paloona Road soon after crossing the bridge, and one on top of the hilly section at Forthside. There will be two tubs at the Forth Football Ground for runners to deposit named drink bottles (either name or race number) and gels etc. Due to COVID restrictions there will not be water served in cups at the drink stations. Drinks etc. must be in the tubs by 9:30am as they will be transported to the drink stations at this time. It is strongly recommended runners only take drinks from the designated drink stations.

People following the race in cars are reminded to obey all road rules and be conscious of other road users.

Race 14 Burnie, Paine Family Memorial 10km Handicap Results

Congratulations to the 54 starters in the Paine Family Memorial 10km Handicap!

Daile Bennett-Moyle won by a margin of one second, from Ken Williams, Josh Febey, Sam Lovatt, and Ellen Burgess.

Fastest Male was Sam Mawer in 38:26 and Fastest Female was Daile Bennett-Moyle in 41:24.

The nominated time feature race was held before the handicap race, with Lucy van Rooyen taking out the victory.

The other winners of the race were Mackenzie Troughton, Alicia Bramich, Mitchell Elphinstone, Hannah Elphinstone, and Libby Crispin.

Race 14 Burnie, Paine Family Memorial 10km Handicaps and Race Brief

Race #14 2021

Meet at McKenna Park Hockey Complex

Sponsors: The Paine Family

Race Manager:  Mark Saint-John


  • Race begins on North side of 3 Mile Line, opposite Burnie Council works depot
  • Proceed up 3 Mile Line on RHS of road, heading West
  • Cross over Mooreville Road under the direction of the marshal, at the roundabout and continue West, staying on the RHS
  • At West Mooreville road, turn Right and remain on RHS
  • West Mooreville will take you past E Cam road and continue up to the junction of Brickport road at Umina Park.
  • Turn Right and continue up Brickport Rd on RHS
  • A marshall will cross runners over to the LHS between witches hats at Freer farm. Continue to the roundabout and turn Left.
  • A second marshall will cross runners over the road approx. 200m from the roundabout
  • Continue up over the hill on RHS and down the the finish outside the Council depot car park.


  • Marshal required at Brickport Rd roundabout on the way out
  • Marshal required at Freer Farm crossing on the way back
  • Marshal required at 3 Mile Line crossing on the way back

Imperative that runners remain on RHS of road and only cross at marshal points where they can be easily seen by traffic

Coming down off W Mooreville near TLC aquatics can be slippery, depending on weather: be alert.

Toilets can be accessed 200m East of our starting point at McKenna Park Hockey Complex

Please be careful crossing the road near the start and finish area and ensure children are well supervised also.

Race 13 Tasmanian Arboretum Eugenana, Life Vantage (Susan Moodie) 5km Handicap Results

Well done to the 54 starters in the LifeVantage (Susan Moodie) 5km Handicap at The Arboretum!

Will van Rooyen won from Shaun Batten and Howard Crispin.

Fastest Male was Sam Mawer in 19:50, and Fastest Female was Daile Bennett-Moyle in 22:16.

Nominated time winners were Mitchell Elphinstone, Eva Murrell, Zoe Lakeland and Kobie Reid. We had a great field of 20 nominated time runners, today. Well done all.

Race 13 Tasmanian Arboretum Eugenana, Life Vantage (Susan Moodie) 5km Handicaps and Race Brief

This course consists of two laps (2.5 km each) around the main Arboretum area.  These cover varying terrain and vegetation.  This should make for very scenic run for both competitors and spectators.  Due to the nature of the course, there will be lots of viewing opportunities for spectators.

The race starts near the crossroads of the main gravel tracks of the area.  Runners will exit the gravel travel and cross an open grass area followed by a short bridge.  The course then winds over the western hill, following the marked tracks.  After approx. 600 m, runners will start descending off the hill using the track network down to the main gravel track.  The course then returns almost to the track crossroads before reaching a turnaround.  At this point the course follows the main Sylvan Circuit track (~1.5 km) in a clockwise direction.  Once the full circuit has been completed, runners will have returned to the track crossroads.  This is the end of the first lap.  The second lap follows exactly the same route from this point.  The finish chute will be next to the Rotunda in the open grassed area to the west of the crossroads.

The PCCCT has taken out membership of the Arboretum, so club members do not need to pay for entry on the day.  However, any members who wish to donate to the Arboretum are encouraged to do so.  They are supporting us by allowing access to the site, so any support we can provide back will be welcomed.


  1. There is smallish carpark at Arboretum.  However, as the site will be open to the general public, we ask members to consider carpooling to the race where possible.  Also, could all members avoid parking in areas other than the car park; this includes not parking along the entrance avenue (starting at the site gates and leading up to the car park).
  2. The first 800m of each lap is predominantly single-track grass paths.  These are well marked but there will be limited opportunities for passing.  Please pick your moment and pass safely.  Once the course leaves the western hill the track opens up leaving plenty of space to passing on the back 2/3 of each lap.
  3. There are sections of slightly uneven ground and exposed roots on course (first 800m of each lap).  There are also a handful of sharp switchbacks when descending off the hill.  Runners are reminded to take care and run to their limits.
  4. The course is likely to be damp underfoot, but there will be no muddy sections.
  5. Please respect the site and keep to marked paths and open grass areas at all times.
  6. Please respect other users of the course, as it is open to the public during our race.

Race 12 Burnie, Sea-Lyons Swim School 6km Handicaps and Race Brief

This course consists of four laps (1 large and 3 small) around the Romaine park area.  This should provide great viewing options for spectators allowing them to follow the race as it unfolds.

The race starts on the eastern side of the Romaine Creek dam opposite the carpark off Amanda Crescent.  For lap 1, runners then cross the dam wall and run around the dam in an anticlockwise direction following the main track for 600m.  At this point runners reach a T intersection and the lap turns right up the hill, following the main track for another 500m before reaching the turn around point and returning via the dirt track that branches off the main track.  The lap continues to follow the dirt track heading north down the park fence line for 1000 m, past the dam to another turn around point which re-joins the main track and heads back towards the start area.  Lap 2 begins once runners reach the dam wall.  Lap 2 continues along the same track as lap 1 until the T intersection.  At this point runners continue straight and follow the main track for 600m back to the start area.  Laps 3 and 4 are repeats of lap 2.  After completing lap 4 runners will cross the dam wall a final time and the finish chute is on the left of the track near the children’s playground and carpark.


  1. Parking is limited in the Romaine carpark.  Therefore, all competitors that are able, are requested to park in Blackwood Parade or Kingsley Avenue.  This is to ensure access to the park area for other users and club members who are travelling with people who have mobility issues and/or small children.
  2. When warming up and moving towards the start area, people are reminded that runners may starting their race.  As the main track narrows near the dam wall, please avoid interfering with runners already on course.  If possible, please approach the start area by walking in an anticlockwise direction around the dam.
  3. Given the rain forecast for this weekend, parts of the course are likely to be damp and muddy underfoot.  However, there will not be any heavy mud sections.  Please choose your footwear accordingly.

Race 12 Burnie, Sea-Lyons Swim School 6km Handicap Preview

Race twelve of the PCCCT Season will be run on Sunday, heading to Romaine Park for the Sea-Lyons Swim School 6km Handicap.

One of the positives from last year’s shortened season was the trialling of new races, with this course at Romaine proving to be a favourite amongst members.

The quiet and scenic course proved to be fast last year, despite the undulating conditions and loose ground underfoot.

Shaun Batten looks to be a runner that suits this course well and is a strong chance to break the tape first. He has been a consistent fixture in the top five over the last few races, with the shorter races suiting his explosive speed.

His biggest competition looks to be Thomas Murton, who has been working his way up the positions each week. It’s not very often a shorter race is won by the backmarker, though Thomas could be an exception.

Anne Thomas found herself in the top ten in Stanley and wouldn’t surprise with a victory, whilst Josh Febey has been consistent all year and could find himself amongst it also.

Others to watch are Tony Abel, Sam Lovatt, and Felicity Lovatt.

New members are always welcomed, and runners are reminded that entries are online only and will close on Friday at 6pm.

The nominated time event will be run at 9am.

Race 11a and 11b, Greg and Dianne Woodhouse Marathon Handicap/Acacia Concrete and Render Services Teams Marathon Report

The coldest morning of the year so far greeted members on Sunday for the running of the Greg and Dianne Woodhouse Marathon, and the Acacia Concrete and Render Services Teams Marathon Handicap.

The Marathon Handicap is the longest running marathon in Australia, carrying great prestige amongst the community and club members. Six keen runners attempted the distance, with all entrants finishing.

Greg Malley broke the tape for his second win of the year, finishing eleven minutes in front of second place getter Lib Smith.

Malley won race three of the season at Port Sorell and has been consistently improving since. He re-joined the club last year after a four-year hiatus. Greg planned on running only half the distance, but mid-week decided to attempt to complete the entire marathon. The decision paid off, recording an impressive time of three hours and thirty-nine minutes.

Devonport runner Lib Smith came home second, also recording the fastest time for the women. Shane Hanson finished close behind for third, with Sam Mawer finishing fourth for his debut marathon, also recording the fastest time for the men.

Cherie Lowe finished fifth for her first run with the club, with pre-race favourite Christopher Talbot finishing sixth.

In the team’s marathon, sixteen teams of four took part. with the ‘Everyday Lions Purple Army’ taking out the win. Team members Narelle Jacobs, Amie Bramich, Travis Bassett, and Brian Lyons all ran a strong race, with two members recording big personal bests over ten kilometres.

They were followed by ‘Meercroft Crew’ in second, with ‘Something Clever’ and ‘Sesame Street’ rounding out the placings.

Full results can be found at www.pccct.org

Race 11a and 11b, Greg and Dianne Woodhouse Marathon Handicap/Acacia Concrete and Render Services Teams Marathon Results

A massive congratulations to the 6 finishers in the Greg and Dianne Woodhouse Marathon today!

Greg Malley won from Lib Smith, Shane Hanson, Sam Mawer, and Cherie Lowe.

Fastest Male was Sam Mawer (3:34:00) and Fastest Female was Lib Smith (4:29:52)

16 teams of 4 took part in the innaugrual Acacia Concrete and Render Services Teams Marathon.

Everyday Lions Purple Army (Amie Bramich, Narelle Jacobs, Travis Bassett, Brian Lyons) won from Meercroft Crew (Hayden Bishop, Ben Brockman, Shaun Batten, Gerard Lowry), Something Clever (Jason Scott, Ellen Burgess, Mark Saint John, Ben Young), and Sesame Street (Anna Murton, Andrew Rolls, Daile Bennett-Moyle, Rhian Miles).

Fastest team was Gunnaz Runnaz in 2:24:44.