Race 25 Railton, Anvers Chocolate 10km Handicap

Meet at Goliath Park in Giblin Street

Head down Giblin Street and turn right into Ennis Ave. Stay on RHS of road

This turns left into Dowbiggin St

Proceed south on Dowbiggin St and across the mainroad at the marshal

Continue further on Dowbiggin St and turn right at the marshal onto the old Trainline which will take you through to Sunnyside Road

Veer right on Sunnyside road and continue back to the main road.

Stay on RHS of road until crossed over by a marshal.

Proceed left around the corner of New Bed Road. Cross safely onto the RHS of NewBed Road.

Take a big breath because here comes the hill!

Proceed up ….and up…and up NewBed Road. At the top it will bring you along the top of the hill and turn right to bring you back down to a T junction.

Turn right and stay on RHS of road to proceed back to Ennis Ave. Fingers and witch’s hats will guide you along the path to the finish in Goliath Park where we started.


  • Although Railton is usually quiet on Sunday mornings, keep to the right hand side of all roads and be aware of any traffic.
  • This race is a deferred penalty race; handicaps are done for the feature race.
  • Special note, it is possible on this race to take home the chocolates without winning. 😊

Race 24 Turners Beach, Rod and Judith Priestley/Berry Patch 7km Handicap Results

Well done to all competitors in today’s Rod and Judy Priestley/The Turners Beach Berry Patch 7km handicap.

Congratulations to Alison Ridderhoff who won from Johanna Robertson and Steven Tammens.

Fastest male was Andrew Winkel (24:58) with Lyn Saint-John fastest female (29:24).

Nominated time winners were Tom Ridderhoff, Freya Crispin, Mitch Elphinstone and Libby Crispin.

Race 24 Turners Beach, Rod and Judith Priestley/Berry Patch 7km Handicaps, Race Brief, and Map

The race start will be outside Berry Patch Café. Runners head west along Blackburn Dr onto the footpath towards the roundabout, then turn right onto Turners Beach Rd.  The course heads north, crossing to the left side of the road at designated spot and continuing onto the Esplanade.  It follows the Esplanade for approximately 1.5 km until its end.  At the end of the Esplanade, runners then turn left onto the grassed area through the bush until they link up with the new pathway boardwalk. Coming off boardwalk, runners go through a rocky section that will bring them out to cross Boyes St onto a vacant block.  The course then crosses over the railway track, through the bush and turns right when it hits Blackburn Dr, towards the start/finish.  This completes one lap.  The race will be two laps of this course.

  • Care is needed crossing the train line and on the unsealed sections.
  • Traffic can be an issue in the vicinity of la Mar. 

Race 23 Eugenana, LifeVantage Independent Distributor (Susan Moodie) 5km Handicap Results

Well done to all competitors in today’s LifeVantage Independent Distributor (Susan Moodie) 5km handicap at The Tasmanian Arboretum at Eugenana.

Congratulations to Oscar Young who won from Jean-Christophe Bonneville and Alison Ridderhof. Fastest times were Andrew Winkel for the men (20:32) and Rhian Miles for the women(23:44).

Nominated time winners were Tracey Turner, Libby Crispin and Emma Turner.

Race 23 Eugenana, LifeVantage Independent Distributor (Susan Moodie) 5km Handicaps, Race Brief, and Map

The race starts near the crossroads of the main gravel tracks of the area.  Runners will exit the gravel travel and cross an open grass area followed by a short bridge.  The course then winds in a clockwise direction over the western hill, following the marked tracks.  After approx. 600 m, runners will start descending off the hill using the track network down to the main gravel track.  The course then returns almost to the track crossroads before reaching a turnaround.  At this point the course follows the main Sylvan Circuit track (~1.5 km) in a clockwise direction.  Once the full circuit has been completed, runners will have returned to the track crossroads.  This is the end of the first lap.  The second lap follows exactly the same route from this point.  The finish chute will be next to the Rotunda in the open grassed area to the west of the crossroads.

  1. There is smallish carpark at Arboretum.  However, as the site will be open to the general public, we ask members to consider carpooling to the race where possible.  Also, could all members avoid parking in areas other than the car park; this includes not parking along the entrance avenue (starting at the site gates and leading up to the car park).
  2. The first 800m of each lap is predominantly single-track grass paths.  These are well marked but there will be limited opportunities for passing.  Please pick you moment and pass safely.  Once the course leaves the western hill the track opens up leaving plenty of space to passing on the back 2/3 of each lap.
  3. There are sections of slightly uneven ground and exposed roots on course (first 800m of each lap).  There are also a handful of sharp switchbacks when descending off the hill.  Runners are reminded to take care and run to their limits.
  4. The course is likely to be damp underfoot, but there will be no muddy sections.
  5. Please respect the site and keep to marked paths and open grass areas at all times.

Race 22 Turners Beach, AJL Lifestyle/AJL Yamaha Half-Marathon Handicap and Salty and Stevo Teams 2 x 10.55km Half Marathon Handicap Results

Well done to all competitors in today’s AJL Lifestyle/AJL Yamaha Half Marathon Handicap and the Salty and Stevo Teams’ Half Marathon Handicap at Turners Beach.

Congratulations to Troy Donald who won the half marathon from Andrew Lucas, Daniel Yaxley, Jordan Matthews and David Murton.

The teams event was won by Lancaster Bombers (Dale Lancaster and David Wright) from, Deirfiúracha, Meercroft A, Bitumen 2 Bush and Father & Son.

Race 22 Turners Beach, AJL Lifestyle/AJL Yamaha Half-Marathon Handicap and Salty and Stevo Teams 2 x 10.55km Half Marathon Handicaps, Race Brief, and Map

The two events are conducted concurrently over the same course.  

The races start at 9.30 am at the Turners Beach Football Club, Henry Street, Turners Beach. The course starts with a clockwise lap on the outside of the oval, then  heads out of the ground on Henry Street and runners then turn left onto Susan Street and left again onto Boyes Street. There will be a race official at the junction of Boyes Street and The Esplanade to turn runners left and onto the right-hand side of The Esplanade. Runners continue on the right-hand side of the road and onto the coastal pathway.

NB. The path is being redone from the entrance into Camp Clayton along to Maskells Road. Runners will need to run along Clayton Toad for this section. It is marked with witches’ hats but just watch for traffic.

Continue through to Beach Road and cross to the sea side of Beach Road. The runners join the Fairway Park pathway near the Ulverstone Surf Club, continue along the pathway past Otto’s Grotto and take the top footpath at the wharf and onto the Ulverstone Bridge. The race heads right off the bridge footpath onto the coastal walkway next to the Leven River to Maud Street. At Maud Street runners turn right into Braddon Street where they will see the turn sign and the drink station. The teams’ second runners commence their run at the turn. Runners return on the same course to the finish at the Turners Beach Football Ground.  

The half marathon races will start at 9.30am. Competitors need to wear a race bib, which will be provided, to identify which race they are in and what team. It is a flat, out-and-back course. As sections of the race are on public roads, runners are asked to run with caution and obey any directions from race officials.

Runners need to supply their own drinks in clearly marked bottles. There will be a tub for drinks at the start which will be taken to the drink station at the race turn. 

Post-race presentations will take place in the Turners Beach Club clubrooms. There will be free soup, tea and coffee available for runners, volunteers and supporters. There are toilet and shower facilities available.   

Race 21 Penguin, Zenith Wealth 5.3km Handicap Results

Well done to all competitors in today’s Zenith Wealth 5.3km handicap at Penguin.

Congratulations to Howard Crispin who won from Jordan Mathews and Alison Ridderhof.

Fastest times were David Ridderhof for the men (21:38) and Lyn Saint-John for the women (24:19).

Nominated time winners were Brian Paine, Tracey Turner and Chad Burr.

Race 21 Penguin, Zenith Wealth 5.3km Handicaps, Race Brief, and Map

This week’s race is a mix of off road, mountain bike trail, gravel road and asphalt

Runners meet at Dial Regional Sports Complex carpark. Start on main driveway footpath, head south along the driveway and turn right onto footpath that follows Sports Complex Road. Cross the driveway of Athletics Track onto the grassy area. Follow fence line to the dog exercise park and cross Sports Complex Road at the marshalled crossing. Follow Sports Complex Rd on left hand side to where runners enter the mountain bike track immediately prior to the intersection.

The course then follows the track for approximately 1.5 km. This section id mainly uphill. While on the track, cross over the Mountain Bike Club carpark driveway. Continue along the bike track following markings to the Montgomery Road carpark. Turn right and follow Montgomery Road on the right-hand side until it ends at Ironcliffe Road. Turn right onto Ironcliffe Road and staying on the right-hand side follow this road back to Sports Complex Road. Turn right onto Sports Complex Road and cross back over to the left-hand side at the marshal point. Backtrack along the grass area, through the Athletics Track carpark to the Dial Sports Complex driveway. Cross the driveway following the path. Where the path ends adjacent to the Golf Clubhouse continue on the road on the left-hand side down to the intersection with Dial Road. Turn left onto Dial Road and follow this road on the left-hand side back to Recreation Drive. Turn left into and stay on the left of Recreation Drive. Follow this road and finish in front of the Dial Park Community Pavilion.

Safety warnings:
This course takes in 1.5 km of technical uphill track.
On narrow sections of the track be courteous and allow faster runners to pass by stepping to the left of the track.
Trail running shoes are recommended but at a minimum wear shoes to get muddy in as the course will be wet and muddy in sections. Please be careful not to slip.
Recommend runners do not use sunglasses as there are exposed roots and rocks on the track.
This course crosses three carparks (Dial Park, Athletics Track, Montgomery Road carparks) and the mountain bike club driveway. Runners should take due care at all times.

Mountain bike riders have been asked not to use the tracks from 9 until 11 but be aware there may still be bikers there.

Race 20 Gunns Plains, “The Kevin Burn Memorial” Pathway Therapies/Brown Family 13.5km Handicap Results

Well done to all the competitors in today’s “Ken Burn Memorial” Pathways Therapies/Brown Family 13.5km handicap at Gunns Plains.

Congratulations to Nick Young who won from Andrew Lucas, Steve Tammens, Chris Talbot and Dave Murton.

Earlier, the nominated time winners were Malcolm Nutting, Florence and Clementine Dutton and Libby Crispin.