Race 10 – High on Penguin Burnie to Ridgley Mountain Classic 16.5km Handicaps, Race Brief, and Map

Click here for start list

Race Map

The meeting place is at the cenotaph in West Park.

Run east towards the gate and then up the path inside the park adjacent to West Park Grove. Exit the park and continue on the right -hand side of the road to Fortuna Avenue. Turn right and continue to the roundabout at Brickport Road.

Here you will be crossed over to the footpath on the right-hand side. Continue until you reach Three Mile Line Road and turn right.

Continue until you reach West Moorville Road and turn left. Stay on this road until you reach its junction with Ridgley Highway, then go straight ahead before finally turning right to finish in the car park at the Ridgley Football Club.

  • There will be drink stations but you need to place your own drink bottles in the collection crates
    at the start. Please make sure they have your name and number on them.
  • If you have a supporter providing you with drinks/nourishment, they must do this at the drink
    stations. We don’t want runners or supporters crossing over the road during the race at random
  • Please be very careful on this course because you will be running across intersections and
    driveways which won’t have marshals

Race 4 Wynyard, Findex 8.5km Handicaps, Race Brief, and Map

This course starts at Gutteridge Gardens, Wynyard.  The race starts near the soundshell and heads north-west on the path until this ends at Jenner St.  The race then briefly follows Jenner St before following the track along the river.  At ~1.5 km into the run the track end and runners will cross the road entry into the Cape Bridge Picnic Ground and follow Table Cape Rd on the right-hand side footpath, over the bridge.  Immediately after the bridge, runners will cross the road and join the northern side of the river track.  The river track continues for~2.5 km until it reaches the Bass Highway.  The course then takes the footbridge across the Inglis river and then drops down onto the southern side of the river track for the ~2.5 km return to Table Cape Rd.  Runners then cross Table Cape Rd and return to the Start/Finish along the same route as initially taken.

1. There are two crossings Table Cape Rd and there are short sections where the course follows Jenner St and the Esplanade.  Runners are strongly reminded that they do not have right of way and that they are expected to take due care at all crossings.

2. There are sections of exposed tree roots, stairs and variable lighting.  It is suggested that runners avoid using sunglasses out on course.

3. Please be aware we are sharing paths with the public and need to give other users due consideration.

4. There is limited parking in the Gardens carpark, so please leave this for other patrons and people with mobility problems or small children. There is parking at the wharf and in nearby streets.

Race 2 Don, Cradle Coast Sports and Events 7km Handicaps, Map and Race Briefing

The meeting place is at Don Cricket Ground, Don.

Please ensure you are at the start line for your posted handicap time. Race start is at 6:00pm.

Welcome to all new members.

Please be aware we are sharing paths with the public and need to give other users due consideration.

The course: The race starts on the cycle/walk track and starts with 855m out and 855m back over the Don River Bridge and along the Waverley Road track.

Continue past the start/finish and follow the track up to the pool carpark. Take the path across the top of the carpark, continue until you enter the bush and take the first path on the left. Stay on this sawdust path until it meets up again with the cycle/walk path at Don College. Follow this around to the right and continue back up to the pool carpark and then back to the start.

Care needed:

  1. The sawdust path does have some uneven patches.
  2. Take care crossing the road into the pool carpark and watch for vehicles.

Please keep COVIDSafe distance between you and other runners, especially if you are following someone else. Please read our COVIDSafe plan if you haven’t done so.

12 questions with…….John Saltmarsh

12 questions with…….John Saltmarsh

1. How long have you been a member of PCCCT?
I had 3 runs with the club in 1999. In 2010 I re-joined the club and have consistently competed in runs since then

2. How did you get into running and what has it given you?
I initially became interested in running after giving away playing footy for a while and becoming a boundary umpire with the NWFU for two seasons. Along with a couple of mates, Michael Wilson and Paul Catlin, we decided we would have a crack at Point to Pinnacle. At the same time we were also competing in Masters Rowing. Michael in particular was a pretty hard task-master and as a result we trained extremely hard and I probably got as fit as I have ever been at the age of 48. Besides greatly improving my health, running has enabled me to meet a lot of great people, many whom I now regard as very good friends. Running has also enabled me to compete in events all over Tasmania and Interstate.

3. Your favourite club races?
Toss up between the Ironman and the Half Marathon (which I controversially won in my first run back with the club in 2010). Like so many other members who have certain races they always seem to do better in no matter how bad their form has been leading up to them, these two races have been kind to me over the past 10 years. Don’t think the Ironman will ever be as kind to me, though, as it has been to one of my training partners, Kim Steven, who has won it three times.

4. Do you have any goals post COVID-19 that you would like to achieve?
Lose some of the bloody weight I have put on over the past 4 months!

5. Your favourite spot locally you like to run?
A group of us from Ulverstone over the past year have run a few times a track at Forth called Lucy’s Track which I love. Also enjoy our Pickett’s Road loop we often do.

6. You are kept busy running a business, is it a challenge to fit your running in?
The challenge is to stay motivated. A few of us try and meet at set times for 2-3 sessions a week. Knowing they are waiting for me makes me get away from work to go for a run otherwise I probably wouldn’t.

7. Running tips?
Don’t just rely on running for your training. You need to do some core strength work. Also a few of us took up Yoga a year ago and that has also helped all of us in our running.

8. Do you have a running partner/group?
Yes. Have regular runs with Kim Steven, Peter Snare, Adrian Lakeland and Nigel Baptist. During the season Matt Greenhill and Dallas Van Rooyen also join us for sessions at the Ulverstone Showgrounds. Over the past four Gone Nuts 101 events we have also had James Roberts – Thomson join Kim, Peter and I in the teams event. We are known as the Hasbeens and I believe we are the only team that has competed at all four events with the same members who have all had a crack at each of the four legs over the journey.

9. Any other interests/sports?
I have discovered Mountain Bike riding which I love, although the falls aren’t so great. I am also a bit of a gardening fanatic although you wouldn’t think so to look at the gardens at present. We have an acre block so it takes a fair bit of time to keep the gardens up to scratch but I love it and find it a great stress reliever. I have always been a follower of Horse Racing and have a punt most Saturdays. I have also had a part ownership of several racehorses. Enthusiastic watcher of many sports including AFL, Car Racing and Cricket

10. What is your most memorable running experience? Probably the first time I ran in the Melbourne Marathon. Although I was in a world of hurt, running through the famous tunnel out on to the “G” is something I will also remember. The crowd support along the route is also fantastic. Great race. Have done it four times

11. You couldn’t live without?
If I don’t say my wife; Carol, I may live to regret it. I also couldn’t go without socialising with friends and family and enjoying great food, wine and beer (craft in particular).

12. What is something about you most people wouldn’t know Not really sure. Perhaps that I lived in Mackay, Qld for several years in the 80s before, like so many Tasmanians, I returned back to home base in 1989 where in partnership with Clayton Williams we established an accountancy practice in Ulverstone.

(Kelly and Rod)