1. Membership and entries can only be done on-line via the Club website. The link is now available.
2. Season membership is $60. 3. Each race entry is $6 but you have the option of paying upfront for all 20 races up to 13.5km (except the team events). The cost is $100 and means you won’t have to enter on a weekly basis as you will be entered automatically (you also save $20 ). Total upfront cost = $160. The races over 13.5km (five in total), plus the team events, will need to be entered individually.
4. You can also pay $60 membership and then just pay the entry fee for each race you wish to run.
5. Nominated time events will be held at 9:00am. Registration for these can be done on-line only, for a cost of $10. Runners must be 15 to compete in the handicap events. As in recent years, 12, 13 and 14 year-olds can do their nominated time in the main (handicapped) event when it is 5km or 6km.
6. Generally, entries will close at 6:00pm the Friday night before the race if you are entering week by week. Some races will have earlier entry cut-off times.
7. Handicaps will be published on the website on Saturday evening along with the pre-race briefing. These will also be available on the van on Sunday morning.
8. Most races commence at 9:30am. If you are feeling unwell do not attend the race.
9. Remember to wear your Club number on your front.
10. Please keep 1.5m from others and use other COVID safe practices.
11. There will be three random draw vouchers to be drawn from all runners and volunteers involved in each race.
Categories: News
Dale Lancaster · 15 February 2021 at 3:15 PM
Hi Committee, a question re payment of runs in advance.
Is $6 forfeited or rolled to next race if payment for say 5 races is made in advance and only 4 can be attended consecutively because of unforeseen circumstances ?
I’m asking for myself and a friend.
Rodney Viney · 19 February 2021 at 5:52 PM
Hi Dale, there is only one payment in advance option. That is, pay for all 21 races up to 12km in distance for $120. (Other than that it is pay and enter weekly).
We thought about paying 5 or 10 races in group but Hayden said it would be too hard to administer.
So we might not get a lot of people entering all 21 for $120 – just those intending to run every week and those not minding of they miss a race or two seeing the payment as a donation supporting the Club.