The next event for the PCCCT – Running Club is the Troy Atkins Accounting/Wynyard Fitness “Ironman Classic”.
A long-standing event on the calendar, at twenty-five kilometres it is not as long as the marathon, but is considered by many as the toughest run of the year due to a combination of the distance and the hilly terrain covered.
Starting at Forth it takes in a circuit in the Forth Valley comprising Wilmot and Paloona Roads to Melrose and return via Bellamy and Forthside Roads.
The event best suits fit middle or backmarkers who have proven records over these longer distances and there are several who have entered who have great chances.
Jono Cahill is certainly one of those. He specialises in the longer events and is a regular performer in tough triathlons. He ran a great race in the recent challenging ten-kilometre event at Burnie and will be better suited here.
Two runners who finished in front of him there, Gerard Lowry and Josh Febey, will be his main dangers. Lowry is very consistent whilst Febey, who won a race earlier this year, is on the verge of breaking through again as he has further improved.
Kim Steven needs it long and hilly to bring out his best and he will get that here and is ready to show up.
Other top chances include Ben Brockman, Kelly Baxter and Andrew Lucas.
Entries have closed already and the first runner will start at 9:00.
A nominated time event will be held at 9:15.