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Race Map

The race commences at Wings Wildlife Park, Winduss Road, Gunns Plains.

The Park would prefer we park up near the private cabins. Reach these by driving up between the café and the toilets. Please do not park in the café carpark nor over any gates.

Most of the race is run on public roads. You are responsible for keeping yourself safe. Watch for traffic on the road and also entering onto the road.

The Course: Exit the park using the left-hand side of the road and run to the junction of Winduss Road with South Riana Road. Turn left, cross carefully to the right side of the road and continue over the bridge to Gunns Plains Road.

Turn right and continue approximately 3.5km until turning right into Marshalls Bridge Road.

Continue over the bridge, and turn right again on reaching Lowana Road. Continue on this road which becomes South Riana Road until reaching Winduss Road again, cross carefully then continue along to re-enter the Park and on to the start/finish.

NB: Please make sure you only cross where there are witches hats and/or marshals.


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